
Grand Strategy in the Age of Mass Destruction


Swallowed by the Swamp
Commentary for Memorial Day 29 May 2017


Watching the Trump Administration is more and more like watching a funeral procession. The Republic is dead and there follows a parade of fifty hearses for fifty states. So many obituaries, so many political death notices. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together to honor the memory of President Donald Trump, who was.... Well, what was he?" We are not sure. But now, of course, he is a poltical corpse (like the country itself). 

There is so much chaos. Those who cling to hope, who believe in the billionaire hero, who believe he is politically yet alive, refuse to see what is before their eyes. They believe the Great Border Wall is going to be built. They believe illegal immigration is going to be stopped. They think the influx of Muslims will slow to a trickle.

But none of that will happen. Even if the stock market continues to climb, even if we rebuild our military, socialism will yet devour us from within; for Trump is not consistantly anti-socialist. He has already compromised with elements of the socialist agenda. And such compromise must be fatal to his agenda, in the end. Because of the Republicans in Congress, it seems, Obamacare will remain the law of the land. Crony capitalism will continue to strangle us economically. Our China trade will gradually reduce us to Third World status. Political correctness will continue its march toward full blown Stalinism. The family will continue to disintegrate. The birthrate will continue to plummet. In the end, the Muslims will own it all -- because even the Mexicans and Chinese will stop having babies. 

So the Republic, which is dead, will not even be remembered; for the Muslims will not remember us. They will not honor our ancestors. That was our duty, which we refused to accept. Even our Constitution will be forgotten. And, of course, it already is. We have a Constitution in name only. We have Republicans in name only. Our Democrats are Bolsheviks and our Bolsheviks are doing for us what they did for Russia. They are killng us. They have elminated all our instincts. The critical instinct, of course, is the survival instinct; and that is long gone, long erased. The younger the citizen, the less instinct remains. Finally, there is no citizen at all. There is nothing

It is the "suicide of the West" writ large. No turning back. Because it's all about convenience. The next generation of Americans? They are left with three ideas: (1) procreation is unnecessary; (2) having fun is all that matters; (3) don't think about your country. 

Trump was going to change that. At least he made some people think so. But we cannot return to 1955. And even if we could return, we'd just end up here again. Because 1955 logically brings us to 2017, because we never uprooted Marxism. We never stopped the subversion of our country. It has infected us. It has taken over our schools. It has defeated motherhood. It has castrated the father. We are tranvestited. We are transexualized. In other words, we are neutered. 

Imagine reconstituting instinctual existence from scratch, with nothing but misguided political correctness to go by. There will be only one voice, one viable way out; and it will sound, at the eleventh hour, like the voice of Ann Barnhardt; full of contempt for what we have done to ourselves, for our weakness, for our degradation, for our fall from Grace. 

Trump is not going to save us. He is too outnumbered, too outflanked, too late. He is the victim of the Big Lie. "Russia hacked the election." He doesn't know how to fight it. He doesn't know what to do. Even Hannity is going to be dragged down and trampled by this unstoppable, monstrous lie. It is helpful, in this context, to read Diana West's piece on The Seth Rich Chronology.

Seth Rich was a DNC staffer who was shot in the back twice, and died once. Evidence is mounting that he was the guy who leaked the DNC emails. The Wikileak emails. Yes, the emails that probably cost Hillary Clinton the election. These are the same emails that everyone has forgotten because "Russia hacked the election." Clinton's wickedness and criminality was on display in those emails. In fact, a special prosecutor should have been named to investigate Mrs. Clinton. Instead, a special prosecutor has been named to investigate Mr. Trump!

So, if you haven't understood the game as yet: repeat this sentence, again and again: "Russia hacked the election." Then put two bullets in the back of Seth Rich and call the Special Prosecutor in the morning. Trump is going down next! I say again, even if Trump was in bed with the Russian mafia, Russia did not hack the election. Russia did not want Trump to be president. They wanted Clinton. Those who have followed the Clinton career, with its communist ties and its trips to the Communist Bloc, knows that Russia has only pretended to dislike Mrs. Clinton. Russia only pretended to like Mr. Trump. 

Russia didn't have to hack the election. They are never so obvious, so crass. The Russians have strategic style! They have elegance! They have no economy, and their leaders are psychopaths; but hey, they're not going to hack the DNC and get caught. It isn't what they do. Their agents, after all, are the real rulers of America. These Marxists, these "former" Soviet sympathizers, took the United States by the throat when Obama was elected; and they continue to choke the life out of the country, holding a firm grip on the Washington bureaucracy. There is no getting them out (short of civil war). 

Let's not pretend this mess is fixable by legislative amendment. There's going to be a hard reset, one way or another. That is because, in truth, the Constitution was mortally wounded long ago. Then Obama came and finished it off. The Supreme Court helped him. The Republicans helped him -- with gay marriage and socialized medicine. The Constitution gives no power to the Federal Government to manage everyone's Healthcare. Under the Consitution, the Federal Government does not have the power to change the meaning of common English words, like marriage, which always meant the union of man and woman. But now it means the union of man and man, or woman and woman, or man and chicken. Goodness knows what it will mean next; except, in truth, it means nothing as of this writing. 

So there is no Constitution. It was dead letter long ago. All the rest is an illusion, a misunderstanding. And now the Left will be coming for us all. They are writing down our names for the Great Book of Death. And beside each name is written the "N" word. It is the word that dehumanizes as it annihilates. Here, "N" stands for Nazi, and every Nazi must be exterminated. Once you are set down as a Nazi, your freedom ends. Your rights are at an end. There is only a rope, or a firing squad, or a prison cell. 

For the DNC whistleblower, Seth Rich, there were two bullets in the back. Shot down while talking to his girl friend. Dead before he reached the hospital. Code blue. Couldn't be revived; so if you are a Democrat of conscience, and you see that Clinton cheated Bernie Saunders out of the Party nomination, and you have the emails to prove what happened, you'd better think twice. Because, regardless of Clinton's cheating, there remains that definitive sentence: "Russia hacked the election." Repeat after me. Say it. Come now. Say it. This is how you bend laws and break Constitutions. This is how you warp the consciousness of a generation as you build Soviet power. And then, two bullets in Seth Rich's back. 

But this is nothing new. Remember White House Council Vince Foster? Remember Commerce Secretary Ron Brown? I met one of the witnesses to the Ron Brown murder -- U.S. Navy medical photographer Kathleen Janoski. "Wow, look at the hole in Ron Brown's head!" Yes, a bullet hole. And here, as I turn the pages of Terry Reed's memoir about the Clintons, with the title Compromised: Bush, Clinton and the CIA, we find that many other assassinations are alluded to. And that was back in the 1980s, in Arkansas, when Bill Clinton was governor there.

The Clintons are not lambs. They are not well-meaning people. They are monsters. They are killers. And the people aligned with them are crooked. And the senators who voted for Bill Clinton's innocence during his impeachment trial, were merely thinking of their own mistresses, and of their other dalliances, and recalling that Newt Gingrich resigned because the Clintons exposed his hypocrisy. And the same was true with Gingrich's successor. Yes, the House voted for impeachment and Newt Gingrich was the guy who resigned. The Speaker of the House.

Ah, the power of a blackmail threat. The House was courageous, so the House leaders paid for their courage. But the Senate thought twice. Clinton was guilty, but they found him innocent. They did so because they were also guilty. And so the Republic ends.

This is where we have arrived. And now we have proof. Read the twelve most damaging of the Wikileaks emails at http://www.mostdamagingwikileaks.com/. Here we find that Hillary wants to erase the U.S. border. We find that she took money from countries she knew had funded ISIS, that her lieutenants were paying people to incite violence at Trump rallies. And there's so much more -- of money laundering and lies, and fake policy positions and lawbreaking. And the Democrats never denied any of it. There was merely that sentence, the Big Lie, the Great Diversion: "Russia hacked the election." 

And two bullets in Seth Rich.

Are you angry yet? Does it make you afraid? Where is the outrage? Where is the passion? Certainly, it is no longer visible in Mr. Trump. And Jeff Session's picture should be on a milk carton along with the faces of other missing persons (says a journalist friend). Where did they all go? Where are the treason trials? Where are the criminal investigations?

The swamp has swallowed them all. And now there is nothing left but an eruption of swamp gas, a burping of what was -- only months ago -- a political movement in favor of draining the swamp. 

So watching the Trump Administration is like a funeral procession. And I am sickened by this procession. A procession of the damned. Not one hearse, but fifty hearses for fifty states of the Union.