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The Art of Controlled Chaos 
in an Age of Revolutions

By J.R. Nyquist


  Hijack: 1) to steal (goods in transit) by force; 2) to seize control forcibly of (an aircraft, etc.), esp. to go to a nonscheduled destination.

– Webster’s New World Dictionary


March 8, 1917 -- the February Revolution begins. Crises, wars, destruction and hunger prevail. Nov. 6, 1917 -- the October Revolution begins. How is that, you ask? How can a February Revolution begin in March and an October Revolution begin in November? There is no mystery because the country is Russia. Its two revolutions are designated by old and new calendars -- by the old Orthodox calendar and the new Western calendar. Two revolutions in one year: First, the revolution against the Tsar which establishes the Provisional Government; second, a revolution against the Provisional Government which establishes the Soviet Government. What are the particulars? On April 16, 1917 Lenin reaches Petrograd from exile in Switzerland via the “sealed train.” He is secretly backed by the Kaiser’s money. He organizes a coup to overthrow the Provisional Government and hijack the Russian Revolution. In return for this clandestine German support Lenin has promised that Russia will make peace on German terms. On Nov. 6 Lenin and his Red Guards seize control and take Russia to a nonscheduled destination: -- the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics.

            China, 1912 – a national uprising forces the Qing Emperor Xuan Tong to abdicate. A new republican government is formed under the leadership of Dr. Sun Yatsen. Crises, wars, destruction and hunger prevail. Warlords rule in the provinces. Generals vie for control of the central government. Japan invades the country. Finally, through years of turmoil and struggle Mao and his Red Guards, with Russian support, steal the Chinese Revolution, taking China to a nonscheduled destination: -- the People’s Republic of China.

            The men who hijacked the Russian and Chinese revolutions were profound strategists and students of revolution. They understood that a revolution is an opportunity: that those who are perceptive and prepared, who are cunning and full of artifice, can master the chaos and seize total control.

            Before World War Two Soviet dictator Josef Stalin consciously sought to plant the seeds of chaos in Europe that would lead to a great upheaval. Just as the chaos of the First World War had produced the revolution that Lenin hijacked, the Second World War might produce a revolution that Stalin could hijack. Stalin’s plan was to support Hitler. As GRU defector Viktor Suvorov points out, “For Stalin, German Nazism was an instrument which would break a path for the revolution through solid ice -- an icebreaker.” As early as 1927 Stalin said that the “Second Imperialist War” was quite unavoidable. “We shall move [into that war],” said Stalin “but we shall be the last to move, in order to throw our weight on to the scales and tip the balance.” (Stalin, Collected Works, Vol. 7, p. 14).

Ever the keen strategist, Suvorov tells us that, “In Europe Stalin needed crises, wars, destruction and hunger. Hitler could achieve all this for him.” The more crimes Hitler committed, the greater the harvest for Stalin. As Suvorov relates, “From 1927 onwards, Stalin made every effort to support the Nazis who were then striving for power, although he did not do so publicly.”

Nazism was the hangman of Europe, and Stalin intended to pay his hangman and then, according to Stalin’s established practice: hang the hangman!

Fast forward to 1967. Stalin’s method had won the eastern quadrant of Central Europe for Communism. Now Stalin’s successors faced a new challenge. How to defeat the richest, most powerful country in history -- the United States of America.

In September 1967 a secretary of the Soviet Central Committee, Konstantin Katushev, arrived in Prague to share key aspects of Moscow’s “long range plan” with top Communist officials in Czechoslovakia. According to Katushev, the key would be to collapse the American economy. How could this be achieved? Katushev told his Czech comrades that America was a volatile society. The American people could be moved to either political extreme. “If we can impose on the U.S.A. the external restraints proposed in our Plan, and seriously disrupt the American economy, the working and the lower middle classes will suffer the consequences and they will turn on the society that has failed them. They will be ready for revolution.” Katushev’s colleagues in Moscow told the Czechs that America might reach a “pre-revolutionary situation” around 1990. (Jan Sejna, “We Will Bury You,” London 1982, p. 154.)

Moscow’s strategists did not care if the revolution originated from the extreme right or the extreme left. Just as in World War II when Stalin supported Hitler, the idea was to create chaos, crises, wars, destruction and hunger. Through the expert use of force and fraud the Kremlin could exploit a future upheaval and hijack America. Working to develop the intellectual and clandestine tools required, coming from a political tradition based on stealing power, the strategists of the Kremlin were confident.

“The Soviet strategy for revolutionary war is a global strategy,” writes defense expert Joseph D. Douglass, Jr. in his groundbreaking book, “Red Cocaine.” There were five principle forces that had to be organized in order to bring about Konstantin Katushev’s scenario for collapsing the American economy and unleashing revolutionary chaos.

1)      Train agents and subversives who could direct and harness revolutionary chaos and send them out into the world; 2) create terrorist networks throughout the world. 3) Take control of international narcotics trafficking as a political and intelligence weapon; 4) infiltrate organized crime and establish Communist Bloc organized crime syndicates around the world; 5) plan and prepare for economic SABOTAGE against the Main Enemy (i.e., the United States). (see Joseph D. Douglass, Jr., “Red Cocaine,” Atlanta 1990, pp. 10-11.)

Today we can see that all the elements for economic sabotage have been assembled. Terrorist networks exist in nearly every country on earth. According to Italian investigators Russia is now the capital of global organized crime. In addition, narcotics trafficking has been used to corrupt and neutralize America’s security services and border controls. Money laundering has allowed for the penetration of banks, accounting firms and major corporations. Not only can terrorists penetrate U.S. borders, but the stage is set for unprecedented looting. In other words: -- SABOTAGE.

Now skip ahead to Yugoslavia in the 1990s. In 1967 Katushev and his Soviet colleagues told their Czech underlings that Moscow’s plan for Yugoslavia would seek to break the country up along ethnic lines. A generation later the reason for the breakup was explained to an American soldier in Bosnia during a conversation with a Russian Spetsnaz officer. The Russian, who reportedly spoke English with a Nebraska accent, frankly admitted to the U.S. soldier that the Yugoslavia breakup was along the lines of a dress rehearsal. For Russia the Bosnia affair was a live training exercise to prepare Russian special troops for the future breakup of the United States. This same Russian officer, on learning of the U.S. soldier’s contact with American law enforcement, asked for samples of local U.S. police patches (perhaps to go with his Nebraska accent).

Now let us skip ahead to April 25, 2000. Convicted Unabomber Ted Kaczynski writes a letter describing his fellow inmate Timothy McVeigh. According to Kaczynski, “McVeigh told me of his idea (which I think may have significant merit) that certain rebellious elements on the American right and left respectively had more in common with one another than is commonly realized, and that the two groups ought to join forces.” (Lou Michel and Dan Herbeck, “American Terrorist,” New York 2001, p. 493.)

What would Stalin say of this? Would he chuckle to himself and tell his security services to provide clandestine support to Americans who thought like McVeigh? After all, let the right wing militias wipe out the Republicans and Democrats. Let them destroy America’s political center. Then Moscow’s special troops, with their Nebraska accents, could arrive on the scene and hijack yet another revolution -- the Final Revolution.

America, 2005 – terrorism and military crises lead to economic collapse and a national uprising forcing the federal government to abdicate. A new government is formed under militia leaders X, Y and Z. Wars, destruction and hunger prevail. Warlords rule in the provinces. Generals vie for control of the central government. China invades the country. Finally, after years of turmoil the revolution is stolen after a series of missile strikes from abroad. America is taken to a nonscheduled destination: -- the People’s Democratic Republic of North America.

Tell me it isn’t possible.